
Reversing Insulin Resistance (Ebook)

Learn all about insulin resistance and methods to reverse it.




In 2021, approximately 537 million adults (aged 20-79) were living with diabetes, and this number is expected to increase to 643 million by 2030 and 783 million by 2045. Furthermore, around 4 million people die from diabetes each year. While our genes play a role in the development of diabetes, other factors, such as diet and lifestyle, have a significant influence. In fact, the primary control over diabetes lies in our diet and lifestyle choices. This means that one of the most common diseases in the world can be managed through lifestyle changes. Insulin resistance, a major factor in diabetes, is linked to several lifestyle-related issues. For example, obesity contributes to 80% of the risk for developing insulin resistance. Additionally, studies have shown that smoking is associated with a 37% increased risk of developing insulin resistance compared to non-smokers.

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